Choosing Bee Relocation Over Extermination is the Right Thing to Do

HomeBlogChoosing Bee Relocation Over Extermination is the Right Thing to Do

When you have a bee problem, the first thing on your mind is ending the problem. While extermination is the typical response to a pest issue, it isn’t the right thing to do when it comes to bees. Our ecosystem depends on bees more than you might think, making bee relocation the better option if you have bees in your home or in your yard that are posing a danger to people.

Choosing Bee Relocation Over Extermination is the Right Thing to Do

Not only are bees important, but because of various causes, their numbers are dwindling, and bee relocation is more critical than ever. There are several suspects when it comes to the endangerment of bees, including habitat loss due to land-use changes, farming that isn’t wildlife friendly, pesticide use, increase in varroa mites and fungal diseases, presence of invasive bee and wasp species, and more. Each of these conditions is bad enough for bees, but when they are all going on, it is causing havoc, and that spells disaster for pollination and food production. Not only can yields drop without bees, but many crops are highly dependent on pollinators, so we could see decreased availability of such foods as tomatoes, apples, and some nuts.

You might not think that just one beehive could make that much of a difference, but when you consider the huge percentage of colonies that disappear or die each year, bee relocation for every remaining one is critical. The one you save also ends up swarming to create more beehives, and with bee relocation, they can do that in a place they are safe and so are humans.

If you would like to know more about bee relocation services, reach out to us at Best Bee Removal in Florida. With your help, we can be a part of keeping bees at work instead of having them go extinct and forever changing food production potential.