4 Steps to Take When You Have Bee Problems

HomeBlog4 Steps to Take When You Have Bee Problems

We know how jarring it can be to see a swarm or beehive on your property. Your immediate reaction may be to kill the hive, but taking a more humane approach and calling our team of skilled professionals will be better for the environment.

4 Steps to Take When You Have Bee Problems

Here are some steps you should take when you have bee problems:

  1. Keep Your Distance – Giving the bees space will help protect you and your family. The more space you give them, the fewer chances there are of aggravating the hive or swarm. It is always a good idea to distance yourself from stinging insects.
  2. Locate the Hive –Depending on the type of bee problems you have, you may need to locate the hive and where the bees are coming from. If the bees are in your house, the hive may be in your walls. If you have a swarm outside, the hive should be nearby.
  3. Don’t Use Chemical Sprays or Insecticides –Bee extermination is not easy to do on your own. While you may be tempted to spray the hive, many things could injure you.
  4. Leave Your Bee Problems to the Professionals –Once you have found the beehive location, give us a call. We can take care of the removal and cleanup process to ensure the bees do not return to your property.

Calling Best Bee Removal can help prevent injury and immediately remove the threat of stinging insects from your property. Give us a call right away if you have bee problems that need to be taken care of swiftly.